Shiori is embarrassed on what she said and tries to leave but when Keima comments on why books are useless nowadays, with much courage and anger, she verbally calls him stupid before quickly leaving. Keima later reveals to Elsie that he is purposely angering Shiori in order for her to speak up. Shiori laments on the fact that her shyness has prevented her to speak to people normally but decides she doesn’t need to communicate with people and the only things she need is her books. The next day, the Library committee has decided to add a Media room for the library. Shiori tries gives her opinion to the committee but is too shy to speak up. Later, she catches Keima writing in one of the library books which he justifies that he was making corrections and comments how books can’t instantly be corrected, angering Shiori and quietly shouting him an idiot before leaving. The next afternoon, she catches Keima doing it again only to realize he’s scribbling in his own book. In anger and confusion, she starts talking her inner thoughts out without realizing it until Keima points it out. The next day after that, Keima introduces himself to Shiori and talks about the library, now that she is speaking normally to him. With Shiori now speaking up, Keima decide it’s time to capture her heart after finding a Library notice to dispose books for the Media room.
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