Still upset over what happened at class, Jun goes to watch a pro wrestling match only to find Keima sitting at her seat thanks to Elsie making a copy of her ticket. As she is forced to sit with him to watch the match, Jun wonders why the class won’t let her help them, which Keima then asks her why the girls basketball team disbanded when she was captain and correctly concludes that it was her idealism that forced the other members to quit and despite claiming she was trying to help the team for them, she was actually helping them for herself which Jun leaves the match in anger. Despite this, Keima concludes it’s time to capture her heart. Later, Jun tells the class she has entered them for a marathon hoping to help them bond, but instead they refuse, feeling that she’s trying too hard on them, which leaves Jun disappointed and tells the class how selfish they are before running away. As the class bad mouths Jun, Keima unexpectedly calls out on their behavior and disappearing before they confront him. As Jun arrives at the old girls basketball team locker room, Keima confronts her, telling her despite claiming to have changed in order to teach her idealism to others, she still hasn’t changed at all. As she runs away into the school gym crying and wondering why people won’t let them help her, Keima consoles and tells her to not give up and try harder as it will finally make them accept her idealism. Just then, the whole class arrive in the gym to apologize to Jun much to her joy. Unknown to Jun, Keima knew what was going to happen so he planned with Elsie to have the class to start hating him after Jun left and made them worry about her after she was gone. As Jun’s time as a student teacher comes to an end, Keima sees her off and asks her to come back which she promises to become a better teacher and kisses him, finally expelling the spirit inside of her.
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